New administrative procedure introduced for dual citizenship

The new administrative procedure for the granting of dual citizenship will be introduced from today, Minister of Public Order, Disaster Management and Christian Affairs John Amaratunga said.
The granting of Dual Citizenship has been reintroduced following a Cabinet decision to grant the Dual Citizenship which had been temporarily suspended during the end of 2011.
Formerly the process was to grant a five year Permanent Residency Visa and thereafter grant the Dual Citizenship but upon request from expatriate Sri Lankans from the President, the government has decided to grant the Dual Citizenship straightaway.
According to reports, the new process of granting Dual Citizenship involves two steps.
 At the first step the applications are received through the respective diplomatic missions with the authentication of the High Commissioner or Ambassadors of the local missions abroad while the eligibility of the applicant should be certified by the envoys.
A Cabinet approval special committee will look into the suitability of the applicants and will also check into the authenticity of the certificates or documents produced by the applicants. Based on the suitability and authenticity of the documents together with the Head of Mission’s recommendation the committee will proceed to the second stage.
The second stage involves the applicants facing an interview with the committee and based upon the findings of this process the committee will recommend the applicant’s eligibility and forward it to the President for his approval.
Through this process successful applicants will be granted Dual Nationality straight away.

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