Interim Budget 2015

Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayke presente interim budget proposal.

Salaries of state sector servants incresed by Rs. 10,000 - Rs. 5000 will be given in February/ remaining Rs. 5000 in June- Thereby state sector employees' salaries increased by 47%.

All loans taken during the past government has to be paid by this govenrment to which includes 15 million USD loan taken for security purposes.

Rs. 2.5 billion saved by cutting down on the number of Ministers.

Request made for private sector employers to increase the salaries of private sector employees Rs. 2500.

During past seven years 5000 million USD due to losing GSP+.

Reviewing of pensions - Increase of Rs. 1000 with effect from April.

Senior citizens with Rs. 1 million in their bank accounts to be given 15% interest rate.

An allowance of Rs. 20,000 to be paid for expectant mothers.

50% of the loan amounts borrowed by farmers to be waived off.

To improve agricultural sector, hand tractors will be given away at concessionary rates / fertilizer concession will be continued + the quality will be increased.

Fresh milk price buying price to be increased by Rs.10.

Decentralised budget for ministers will increase by Rs. 5 - 10 million.

Budgetary allowance for education sector will be increased by 6% off the GDP systematically.

A sum of Rs. 2000 billion to be allocated to the fund reserved for kidney patients.

Kerosene reduced by another Rs. 6 per litter

Electricity consumers will be encouraged to use solar power.

School van fees reduced by 5%

Thirteen essential goods price reduction by removal of taxes - with effect from midnight.

Sugar: Rs. 10 reduction  - tax reduced from Rs. 28 up to Rs. 10
Milk powder 400g packet will be Rs. 325 (maximum retail price)
Sustagen milk powder to be reduced by Rs. 100 (400g) 
Wheat Flour prices reduced by Rs. 12.50 per kilo
Bread - reduced by Rs. 6
Green grams -  reduction by Rs. 40 per kilo
Sprats: Reduction of Rs. 15
Canned fish - Reduced by Rs. 60
Coriander - Reduced by Rs. 60 per kilo
Black gram  -reduced by Rs.100 per kilo

  • Maldive fish - taxes reduced by Rs. 200
  • Turmeric  -  reduced b Rs100 per kilo
  • Chilli powder - Reduced by Rs. 25 (powdered)
  • 12.5kg gas cylinder price reduced up to  Rs. 1596 (Rs. 300 reduction)
  • Goldjewellery pawned to banks  - that don't exceed Rs. 200,000 -  interest will be waived off
  • Mansion tax - Rs. 1 million per annum will be charged for houses of which the value is estimated at Rs. 100 million or exceeds 5000 sqft.
  • Supergain tax - any company of which the profict exceeded Rs. 2000 million  - tax amout worth 25% off its profit will be charged.
  • Vehicle taxes reduction 15% for vehciles with engines below 1000 CC.
  • Cement prices to be reduced by Rs. 99
  • Vehicle assembly plants have neglected their incometax payments during the previous regime. Rs. 12,0000 million revenue expected through prompt payments.
  • Extra Rs. 5000 million to be gained through a container scanning process with effect from September.
  • Casinobusiness-owners to pay Rs: 1000 millionas a tax - first payment to be made before April.
  • The number of liquor shops per proprietor to be reduced upto three / Liquor permit value to be increased by two folds.
  • Marriage registration fee to be reduced up to Rs. 1000 from Rs. 5000.
  • One time tax of Rs. 250 million to be paid by telecommunication providers 
  • One time tax of Rs. 250 million to be paid by mobile phone operators 
  • Rs. 1000 million tax imposed on television stations dedicated to sports 
  • The government has waived off the 25% tax paid by customers when reloading phones.
  • Rs.1.5 million permit fee will be charged from vehicle importers (irrelevant of whether the imported vehicles are brand new/reconditioned)
  • Special facilities for disabled war heroes - special loan scheme named Viru Diriya to be introduced in state banks/ maximum borrowing Rs. 500,000.
  • Mahapola scholarship fee to be increased upto Rs. 5000.
  • Rs. 250 monthly allowance to be paid to pre-school teachers.
  • Dahami Diriya for Sunday school teachers - a monthly sum of Rs. 200 to be paid 
  • Sri Lankan Airlines and Mihin Airlines have incurred heavy losses  - within five years over Rs. 100 billion due to manangement inefficiencies/ Mihin Air Rs.15 billion during the past five years.
  • Sri lankan Airlines and Mihin Lanka to be merged to reduced the losses
  • Every citizen to have a bank account - can be opened in commercial banks with an initial deposit of Rs. 250.
  • Publictransportation costs to reduce by 50% for senior citizens.
  • Special committee to be set up ro resolve issues caused by irregular FINANCE bodies within six months.
  • Prohibition imposed on Ministies and state institutions from publishing promotional newspapaper advertisements 
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