Indian police took into custody 10 persons belonging to the Tamilaga Vazhvurimai Katchi in Tamil Nadu yesterday for attempting to burn an effigy of Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena after he had reportedly stated that Tamil Nadu fishermen would be targeted if they cross over into Sri Lankan waters for fishing.
The protesters led by party’s Thanjavur North district secretary Selvam tried to burn an effigy of Mr. Sirisena near the Uchi Pillayar shrine as a protest against Sri Lankan President. Speakers at the protest demonstration recalled that Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe too had said the same thing in the past.
The protesters led by party’s Thanjavur North district secretary Selvam tried to burn an effigy of Mr. Sirisena near the Uchi Pillayar shrine as a protest against Sri Lankan President. Speakers at the protest demonstration recalled that Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe too had said the same thing in the past.