Health Ministry warns of spread of Dengue

The Ministry of Health says that there is risk of an increase in the spread of dengue with the monsoonal rains drawing near.
Speaking to News1st, Director of the Epidemiology Unit at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Paba Palihawadana said that a Dengue Eradication Week commenced on Thursday, with this situation in mind.
Dr. Palihawadana also pointed out that the Epidemiology Unit does not foresee the Influenza virus turning into an epidemic.
She noted that, as per the records, only a few patients had contracted the virus from time to time.
The Director of the Epidemiology Unit also added that the fever that was spreading these days, was not caused by the Influenza virus. Dr. Palihawadana said:
The Influenza A h1n1 virus has not been reported in Sri Lanka this year. Now, even the World Health Organisation identifies the Influenza A h1n1 virus as a common flu.
Also, the virus shows common symptoms such as high temperature, cold and cough and, like a common flu, it gets cured within five days.  But on rare occasions the virus may reach a critical stage in certain patients such as pregnant women, the elderly, as well as those with other complications.
The Director further added that, in such instances, the virus may develop into pneumonia in these patients. Besides this, the director stated,  there in nothing to fear in this virus. It has not reached the level of an epidemic. It is only from time to time that patients with the virus are recorded, and it is similar to a common flu.

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