Local bodies whose terms lapse will be placed under special commissioners-President

President Maithripala Sirisena said today that the 334 local bodies whose terms would lapse on Friday would be placed under special commissioners.

Speaking at the opening of the Rajitha Senaratne Playground and the Pradeshiya Sabha complex in Beruwala, he said the local government elections would be held this year after the general elections.

He said the local government polls would be held under the new ward system.

He said he intended appointing Divisional Secretaries as the special commissioners for these bodies.

The government had decided in late March to extend the terms of 234 local government bodies till May 15 this year. The terms of another 88 local government bodies are due to end in July or October. The terms of the Colombo and Kandy local government bodies and those of a few others are due to end in October this year.

The president’s statement on the local government elections was made despite a request by the local government heads that the bodies should be dissolved and elections held for them.
- See more at: http://www.dailymirror.lk/72171/placed-under-special-co#sthash.YzN2UAXf.dpuf

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