FB pages of MR, Wimal, Udaya attacked

Pivithuru Hela Urumaya (PHU) claims the Facebook fan pages of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Provincial Councillor Udaya Gammanpila and MP Wimal Weerawansa have been subjected to a cyber-attack.

The PHU in a statement claims that the ‘likes’ for the FB fan page of Gammanpila had drastically dropped by 1200 between 7 – 9 pm last Friday.

“Since it was a sudden drop, we took measures to check the FB fan pages of former President Rajapaksa and parliamentarian Weerawansa. The likes on their FB fan pages had dropped by 15,800 and 4100. Although it’s a common occurrence for likes to drop, a drastic drop of this nature in such a brief period is cause for suspicion,” the PHU notes.

The PHU claims they believe it’s a result of the actions of an opposing group that has deployed an internet ‘bot’ to decrease the likes on the fan pages of these politicians.

PHU furthermore stated that Councillor Gammanpila has notified the FB administrators concerning these attacks.

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